Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Cell Phone?!

In the Name of Allah, the Ever-Compassionate, the Ever-Merciful

Humans are always questioning things and wondering about how life would, or would not, be under different circumstances and with different resources. Many of these questions have the cliché beginning, "I wonder what life would be like without..." Most of these questions are just random imaginations which we enjoy running through our minds. Interestingly, if such a situation ever does arise where we have to actually live through that "I wonder" question, our perception of such a scenario changes in a whole new way. From being an interesting notion --maybe even an adventurous experience for some-- it becomes completely unbearable and unacceptable.

Not so coincidentally, I had to experience one of those scenarios myself not so long ago. Although I cannot claim to have allowed my mind to ever concoct an adventure-laden experience mimicking such a scenario, I can say that I had thought about what most people would feel like in such a situation --including myself. It was one of those natural thoughts that cross the minds of a number of people in this day and age. It was the thought of "life without a cell phone".